Snowflake Connector Spark Zepplin

Navin Chaganti
2 min readApr 8, 2020


Tutorial to add snowflake connector to the zepplin notebooks

You can find the snowflake connector documents in the below link from the Snowflake official documentation

In order to import the snowflake connector you need to add two jars to spark

  • Snowflake JDBC driver,
  • Spark Connector, use the

So to add both these we can use the the below two options of spark zepplin

  • --packages
  • --jars

In order to add the packages, all we need to do is add this line to the spark.jars.packages property of zepplin.

If you open the interpreter we can go to the spark configurations and add the below line to the properties



And below image shows how the configuration is added

One of the common issues I faced was using the correct scala version. In the EMR I was using the correct scala version was 2.11. and in the above package its “2.14”. So make sure to align with the proper scala version to avoid errors

Another approach is to manually download the jars and add it to the path. You can download the jars from the below links

Snowflake Spark connector:

Snowflake JDBC Connector :

After manually downloading the Jars we can add to the path

  • spark.jars

After adding the path to the zepplin configuration we should now be all set to run the snowflake spark connector.

Sample spark scala code to create a connector

import org.apache.spark.sql._
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
import net.snowflake.spark.snowflake.Utils.SNOWFLAKE_SOURCE_NAMEval user = "abcd"
val password = "******"
val clientKey = "********"
val clientSecret = "*********"
val options = Map("sfUrl" -> "*****",
"sfUser" -> user,
"sfPassword" -> password,
"sfDatabase" -> "database",
"sfSchema" -> "dw",
"sfRole" -> "role",
"sfWarehouse" -> "warehouse",
"awsAccessKey" -> "********",
"awsSecretKey" -> "********",
"tempdir" -> "s3a://*******/")

Reading table

val df: DataFrame ="dbtable", "tableName").load()

Writing to a table

.option("continue_on_error", "on")
.option("dbtable", "WritingTable")



Navin Chaganti
Navin Chaganti

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